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Dawn Rutledge

I am so proud of you for following your heart and chasing your dream. Your site is beautiful and I can't wait to get your book. I'm sending the link to everyone I know! Cheers!


Wow Elyse, Congratulations on making such a big life change! I became a vegetarian about four years ago and my husband did about five years ago, we are also the only ones in a family of huge meat eaters who are vegetarian. Congratulations and keep up a great site :)

Gina Rafkind

Elyse, what an inspiration you are! I just read about your journey from the "Inspire Me Today" newsletter I receive. I also get the Meatless Mondays newsletter as well.

I'm not total vegetarian (not yet anyway :), but eat a lot less meat than I used to.

Thanks for sharing your story and best wishes to you.
I can't wait to try your Blueberry Peach Almond Crisp!

Lexi LaMere

I'm 14 and last week I decided to be a vegetarian. I've tried before, but this time I think I can stick with it. I love cooking and trying new foods. I'm definitely going to order your cookbook, it sounds great. I have a blog also

Are your parents vegetarians?


Shannon VonKaenel

Thanks Elyse!! My 17 year old son has decided to go vegetarian and I struggled to find foods that will be healthy and he will like! Helps to have a chef as a Dad who can help you create tasty meals!

Your recipes look delicious and may even be liked by his meat eating family!


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